Friday 14 September 2012


Sport plays a special role in people’s (men’s) life which engages loads of emotions.  It is also the time where stream of money starts and involved companies’ count on profits. Media owner’s benefits a lot of money form EURO 2012.
EURO 2012 in Poland brought a lot of positive emotions and high level of consumer engagement. But did advertising agencies use their full power during EURO 2012? Was this time successful for media?
According to many researches many advertising agencies weren’t interested that much in having their ads in between football matches which was caused by high prices of ads (90% higher)  in between football matches ,that means that many big companies didn’t want to take the risk to pay that much money in case they will not get the money back BUT the amount of audience in front of the television was surprisingly high.  The amount of people who watch the television during EURO 2012 is at the same level of EURO 2008!! Time which people spent in from of television increased to 9,4%.
Polish television by transmitting advertisements during EURO 2012 earned £8. 000,000

During Euro 2012 there were:
-          INTERNATIONAL SPONSORS such as: Coca-cola, Canon, Continental, Castrol, Carlsberg, Hyundai – Kia, McDonald’s, Sharp, Orange
-          NATIONAL SPONSORS such as: Wedel, Bank Pekao SA, Mastercard 

Although many official sponsors there were many other companies which used the power of EURO 2012. The example of such a brand is “Tyskie” (advert‘s shown below) . The advert of this brand brought a huge success to the company.  Power of EURO 2012 also used: Nike, Lidl , Lays (crisps) and T-Mobile. All of these brands weren’t scared of official sponsors and they benefit from it.


Tyskie (beer)
Coca- Cola

Which one do you think was the most successful one?
According to research Coca-Cola was the most successful brand. This drink is associate the sports emotions.
Although everyone was talking about big event EURO 2012, not many advertisements were bought during this time which was caused by high prices during this time.  Big brands which took the risk of paying high prices of the adverts in between EURO 2012 matches gained a huge success. These companies got the money back as the amount of buying products increased and they built their brands awareness.

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