Friday, 14 September 2012


Sport plays a special role in people’s (men’s) life which engages loads of emotions.  It is also the time where stream of money starts and involved companies’ count on profits. Media owner’s benefits a lot of money form EURO 2012.
EURO 2012 in Poland brought a lot of positive emotions and high level of consumer engagement. But did advertising agencies use their full power during EURO 2012? Was this time successful for media?
According to many researches many advertising agencies weren’t interested that much in having their ads in between football matches which was caused by high prices of ads (90% higher)  in between football matches ,that means that many big companies didn’t want to take the risk to pay that much money in case they will not get the money back BUT the amount of audience in front of the television was surprisingly high.  The amount of people who watch the television during EURO 2012 is at the same level of EURO 2008!! Time which people spent in from of television increased to 9,4%.
Polish television by transmitting advertisements during EURO 2012 earned £8. 000,000

During Euro 2012 there were:
-          INTERNATIONAL SPONSORS such as: Coca-cola, Canon, Continental, Castrol, Carlsberg, Hyundai – Kia, McDonald’s, Sharp, Orange
-          NATIONAL SPONSORS such as: Wedel, Bank Pekao SA, Mastercard 

Although many official sponsors there were many other companies which used the power of EURO 2012. The example of such a brand is “Tyskie” (advert‘s shown below) . The advert of this brand brought a huge success to the company.  Power of EURO 2012 also used: Nike, Lidl , Lays (crisps) and T-Mobile. All of these brands weren’t scared of official sponsors and they benefit from it.


Tyskie (beer)
Coca- Cola

Which one do you think was the most successful one?
According to research Coca-Cola was the most successful brand. This drink is associate the sports emotions.
Although everyone was talking about big event EURO 2012, not many advertisements were bought during this time which was caused by high prices during this time.  Big brands which took the risk of paying high prices of the adverts in between EURO 2012 matches gained a huge success. These companies got the money back as the amount of buying products increased and they built their brands awareness.

Monday, 3 September 2012


"We didn't all come over on the same ship, but we're all in the same boat."
- Bernard Baruch, American financier and statesman

According to the Oxford dictionaries globalisation is “the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale”.  Globalisation for advertising agencies is a theoretical premise in advertising and a structural dynamic in the industry.
Globalisation has their winners and losers. The winner has meant to be America as it is known as the advanced knowledge services that facilitate global business.  Obvious fact is that America is the winner of globalisation in advertising industry which affects many people’s jobs worldwide as American agencies tries to make adverts which are difficult to relocate.
What is the globalisation influence on advertising agencies? Is it possible to globalise big companies advertising ides worldwide and make an advert successful although there are many different cultures? Do global advertising agencies care about relation between needs and social relation?
Global advertising which have an important role worldwide tries to develop big brands such as Coca-Cola nationally and internationally. Globalisation in advertising is located in between production and consumption. Global advertising has to construct the geographic boundaries of markets and in creating the international adverts agencies has to think of customer culture, but how does agencies can reconcile so many different culture and people’s perception in one advertisement.
The success of the international advertising agencies depends on the creative ideas which can give the competitive advantage worldwide.  Mainly client managers, strategic planners and creative have to face the barrier of many different cultures to develop international advertisement.
Early globalisation started in 1980s and 1990s in US cities. US agencies have already started to plan and create the adverts worldwide for their US clients who were quite successful but in mid-1990 the products started to be declined. New York was the centre for the products globalisation where Detroit was the “Winner” in car advertising worldwide.
Nowadays most of the clients are from outside USA which means that there is a growth in advertising agencies outside the USA but US ad agencies didn’t drop any jobs as US clients are as important as they used to be.  Currently adverts have to be planned more careful because audience are more fragmented and heterogeneous.
US to keep up with the worldwide advertisements will have to change their strategy and lead global teams and cosmopolitan workers. But the problem is that In US has lack of cosmopolitan people and there is a chance that US work will be seen as less innovative.   Work of Thailand, Brazil and Vietnam is becoming more popular now as it is seen and innovative and new.
According to the research in the future there will be an increase for local-to-local advertising across the world. To make worldwide advertisements agencies has to have a global team. Cosmopolitan cities have more chance to gain the worldwide success.
Globalisation can share into:
-          Comparative advantage – some countries can do something faster, better and more cost effective than other countries.
-          Economic specialization. – many countries has their own specialities which they lead in
All global adverts should recapitulate modern customer’s needs, the preoccupations and characteristics styles. Word share into many different cultures and behaviour of customers’ needs in advertising: for example:
-          US clients are reflexive and sophisticated and this is kind of adverts they want to see.
-          Central Europe customer looks for in advert for hope and positive attitude.  Customer behavior in this part of the world does not differentiate much from the general pattern of global advertising.
-          China Client wants to have the guarantee of authentic. Sophisticated China customers want mix of Western and China products.
Advertisers while making a global adverts know that choice of the products will not depend from the country or the culture the advert was made but it will depends on many psychological aspects, mental processes, experiences and current situation of individual.  Additionally consumer culture is rediscovered every few decades and purchaser’s habits are changing from person to person, and also from culture to culture. People tend to buy a well-known brands (e.g. Coca-Cola, Pringles, and L’Oreal etc.) and companies who make a bad name in this area, will only hardly find way back to their customers.  Fact that people choose products with “the reputation” make advertisers more confident one “general” advert which will be shown all around the world and will be successful.
All above this all fact of many different culture and customer behavior, advertising has the power of giving the meaning to the products wherever the advert was made. Meaning which adverts give to the products.  Advantages which broadcaster wanted to give them. Adverts show what is important and what isn’t important. They try to make people think that they cannot live without the products which are in the advert. Adverts create fake people needs which don’t have connection with people’s needs, values or culture. Advert has influence for each aspect of people’s life. It includes “the food we eat, clothes we wear, phones we use and the water we drink…….” Advertisements also try to create a very strict norms and standards that the world should follow. I can say that advert creates habits and kind of behavior which organize a whole world.